Sunday, June 2, 2013

Now What?!

Reflections as my 1 year Surg-I-Versary approaches

This week has been extraordinary.  Hearing at my doctor's appointment that I am now at a good weight and BMI is still sinking in gradually.  I still feel fat, as I mentioned in my last post.  Old habits and thought patterns die hard.

Now that I am basically at goal weight, I am wondering, now what?  I still have a lot of work to do on both my mind and my body.  "Shrinking" now is less about what I weigh and more about toning my muscles and firming up the areas that I can.  The exercise I've been doing to this point has not been especially strenuous, and I guess it's time to ramp up the activity while getting enough calories to keep my weight more or less stable. 

Yet another dimension of The New Normal.

I am also considering slowing down on this blog and beginning a new blog that is focused less on the weight loss journey and more on the rest of my life.  This Diva has so many stories to tell... memories of the people I have loved who are no longer with us in this physical world, stories of the people who are still with us and the lessons they teach, stuff that makes me laugh and cry and think.  I am wondering what those who have been reading this blog would be interested in reading about in the next one.  Because, while I began this process simply as a way to document my weight loss journey for myself, I have discovered that I gain great satisfaction both from the writing process and from the input I receive when people read my posts. 

So, Now What?

Some titles/premises I have considered for the new blog are:

In My Maker's Hands

Random Acts Of Living

Patchwork and Potpourri---Pieces of Life

If you read this post and have thoughts about the new blog (including whether I need to bother with doing it!) I would love to know them.  I have appreciated, and benefited more from, people reading and responding to my writing much more than I ever thought I would.  And I have a lot more to say, whether anyone reads it or not.  So I will continue to write, and to post on Facebook when I've written something new.  That way when there is something new, at least people know it's there, even if they opt out of reading it. 

Will anything come out of all this writing?  Who knows?  For me, something valuable already has come from it.  It has helped me to work a lot of my "stuff" out, and enabled me to share this part of my journey.  For that I am profoundly grateful.

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