Monday, May 13, 2013

A Different World

And a beautiful day in the neighborhood

This vacation is special for a lot of reasons.  First of all, it's just been a long time since The Hubs and I have had a break of any kind.  Secondly, this is the first trip to St. Simons that we've stayed someplace a second time.  We are in the house we stayed in on our last trip here, right before my (and The Hubs's) weight loss journey began in earnest.  While the house is the same, some things have changed.  The wood floors have been painted white, which opens up the space and looks cheerful, as does the new yellow paint color on the walls in the living/dining/kitchen area.  I am writing this on a big new sofa that sits where a futon used to be.  

Some other things have changed as well.  The cheval mirror in the bedroom doesn't bother me as much as it did the last time we were here!  Am I completely pleased with what I see in there?  No, of course not.  But it gives me a good view of how my body has changed.  As I've mentioned before, I don't have a full-length mirror at home.  (I should get one, I know.)  

The Hubs and I took a quick dip in the pool this afternoon, then sat in the sunshine for a while to dry off.  The water was just a touch chilly for us today, but I'm hoping it will get warmer this week and we can spend more time in the pool.  Morning and evening temperatures have been wonderful for good walks with the dog, and all of us are enjoying that...except for the early morning when the bed is warm and the dog is insistent that he wants to go out NOW!  The Hubs has been getting up for the first walks, which I appreciate.  Anyway, for this afternoon's pool visit I wore the swimsuit my cousin Judy had sent home with me in February, and I am grateful to have it.  It's cute and, dare I say, it's flattering.  It is also a little looser than when I first tried it on.  So even though my weight loss has been a little slower the last few months, I have made measurable progress.  After we came in from outside, I pulled on some shorts and took the dog for a walk, in my swimsuit top, and I wasn't mortified to be seen like that.  That kind of progress is beyond measure!  

I meant to pack my digital tell-me-every-sin-I-ever-committed scale for the trip, but I forgot it.  There is an old-school scale where we're staying, but it can only be a very general reference for this week.  I will admit that I am freaking out a little not having my own scale, but even my own scale would have little variances because of weather conditions here and different elevation above sea level.  I have found that, for me, weighing every day is a good strategy to keep myself accountable and on the straight-and-narrow.  The fact that I view my scale not as a nemesis but rather as an ally in my process is a huge paradigm shift for me.  But Mr. Old-School scale will serve the purpose for this week, and as long as my number doesn't go up, I'll be happy.  It might not be such a big deal except that my one-year checkup at the surgeon's office is the week after we get back. So I need to be sensible this week and pick my treats carefully.  

That said, I did indulge in a small bowl of Kooky Poofs yesterday.  They were delicious and a small bowl satisfied me.  Mostly I am trying to stick to my plan pretty closely.  The extra walks with the dog are good for me, and I am enjoying the outdoors, fresh, salty coastal air and sea breezes.  I am enjoying the relaxation and down time.  I am enjoying the chance to read all I want, nap and then read some more.

Life is pretty sweet at this moment, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to enjoy everything in a different way now.  Walking the dog the last time we were here was such a chore, because of how my body felt and the effort it took to do it.  Now I am enjoying it so much...with the exception of the first walk of the day when the bed is warm and I don't want to leave it just yet.  For all the miracles that have come from weight loss surgery, it can't change every single thing.  Getting smaller will never make me a morning person!  


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