Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tricks Of The (Shrinking) Trade

Some things that are helping me along the way

A famous, former talk show hostess has a list of her favorite things.  We all have our favorites, items that make life easier, more comfortable, more pleasant.  As I have walked down the weight loss surgery preparation and recovery path, I've discovered, or rediscovered, a number of things that have helped to make the process better, smoother and more bearable.  So, in no particular order, I wanted to share some of those items and tips here.

1)  Chili is my friend.  Both now and during the soft-food diet phase, I have found chili to be a nutritious and tasty source of protein and fiber.  These days there are many good canned chili brands on the market, and a number of them are fairly low in fat and contain substantial amounts of protein and fiber.  I mean, really, meat and beans?  A great safe choice for weight loss patients.  Just read the label and watch for too much fat and sodium.  If you make chili at home you can control the ingredients and tailor it to your own taste buds as well.

2)  Diet V-8 Splash.  My favorite flavor is the Tropical Blend.  According to their website:  "Each 8-ounce serving has only 10 calories. Diet V8 Splash has 2 grams of sugar and 3 grams of carbohydrates per serving. An 8-ounce serving of Diet V8 Splash is a free food exchange according to the Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, 2003 by the American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association."  A serving also provides 100% of daily recommended vitamin C.  I like it because it counts toward my daily liquid intake, gives me a zing of citrus and it's very good at masking the flavor and smell of the massive horse pill vitamins I need to take now.  There are other flavors to choose from as well.

3)  V-8 Vegetable Juice Cocktail, low sodium.  I have enjoyed V-8 all my life, whether I've been trying to shrink or not.  It is an easy and flavorful way to get liquid, some healthy carbs and a few servings of vegetables. An 8-ounce serving has 50 calories, 140 mg of sodium, no fat, 10 grams of healthy carbs and 2 grams of protein.  It's filling and tasty, and since I am not supposed to snack until I have reached goal weight, it also provides a way to tame my growly stomach between meals.  It's also a good source of fiber.

4)  Oberto Barbecue Pork Jerky.  A 1-ounce serving has 90 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 7 grams of carbs and a whopping 10 grams of protein.  I like the barbecue pork flavor because it is softer and less dry than other jerky varieties, and easier to chew.  It also has a bit of a baconesque quality from the seasoning that I find really satisfying and delicious.

5)  Diet drink sticks.  Weight loss patients have to stay well hydrated and drink at least 64 ounces of liquid daily.  Flavored water counts toward that daily total.  There are many brands such as Crystal Light in countless fruity and tea flavors.  Since I am off of all caffeine now, I like to mix a decaf tea flavor and a lemonade flavor together in a 32-ounce bottle, which will last me more than half the day.  Decaf tea flavor is a little less common, but it is available and worth hunting for.  I like the sticks for their small, single-serving size and portability and, much like with pain medication, I never leave home without them!

6)  Various creature comforts.  Comfy pajamas are indispensable.  Especially during the immediate post-op and recovery phase, I needed snuggly sleepwear to cradle my sore, painful body as it healed from surgery.  The rest of the time, I need cozy pj's to help me unwind from the crazy, hectic pace of the world around me.  Ditto for things like scented bubble bath and aromatherapy items.  Things like that can really enhance one's mood with a sense of calmness and well-being.  Comfortable, properly-fitting undergarments are also important, especially in the shrinking process.  Underwear and bras that fit correctly help to hitch things up and pull them in, which helps clothes on the outside to fit the way they are supposed to.  Even if "granny panties" are your undies of choice, they still need to fit properly.  Nothing much ruins an outfit like lumps and bumps from a way-too-big pair of drawers!

These are just some of the things that are helping me in the shrinking process.  Documenting the journey is also helpful, as I've been doing with this blog.  Lots of people document the process with photographs or a video diary.  For me, sharing my journey in writing seemed like the most natural choice, and I've been surprised how much it has actually helped me to work some of my "stuff" out.  Like the process of shrinking, the writing is also a work in progress, a path...a journey.  And it may be contributing to my health and wellness just as much as the weight loss is.

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