Friday 3-9-12
Why surgery is not a cheap fix...
While The Hubs and I do a great deal of our banking online, I have also been paying many of my weight-loss related bills by check. It is old school, requiring more effort and thought than simply clicking a mouse a few times. It also makes the expenses more real in my mind than they might be otherwise.
Today, for example, I wrote checks to the hospital and a diagnostic lab for tests I had undergone as part of getting cleared for surgery. I wrote three checks totaling nearly $425. This is not small change in my world! As I wrote in my last post, I used our entire tax refund and then some to pay my program fee for surgery and follow-up care in the year after surgery. That was $3,000, and it is by no means all-inclusive.
These are not small bills.
Thank God I am not a self-pay patient! The total costs for weight-loss surgery can be staggering, ranging from $18,000 and up depending on the procedure needed, where it is done and the doctor who does it. Insurance companies that cover weight-loss surgery cover it at different rates and have different criteria for a patient to qualify. A friend of mine who works in law enforcement told me that their insurance requires them to pay a $5,000 program fee out-of-pocket. Some insurance companies cover nearly everything, while others cover nothing at all.
One might wonder why a person would go to such extremes and expenses "just to lose weight". I used to be one of those who wondered about it. I now understand that surgery is truly a last resort for those of us who have tried everything else without achieving permanent success. I used to be able to lose pounds more readily, when I was younger, but I was never able to keep them off. Now that I am not as young, it is even more difficult just to lose the pounds in the first place!
I have to make a lot of changes in the ways I think about food, my body, size and shape, and what it takes to get myself healthier. Among other things, I have to realize and acknowledge that the expenses are worth it...
that I am worth it. (L'Oreal has been saying it since I was a child, but they were only talking about the surface issues that could magically be addressed by purchasing their products. How convenient.)
So today, as I slip a big chunk of money into the mail slot, my mantra will be:
I am worth it. My health is worth it. My self-esteem is worth it. Easing the strain on my hips, knees and ankles is worth it. Feeling better and enjoying my life are worth it. I am worth it.
I am worth it.
Yes YOU are!!