My 2-year surg-i-versary and the end of The Incredible Shrinking Diva
Two years ago today was my weight loss surgery, and the beginning of a new chapter of life for me. I am writing this post from the lobby of the Crowne Plaza Times Square Hotel in New York City! My chorus has brought a group here to join with several other elite choral groups from around the country to premiere "Chronicles of Blue and Gray" at Carnegie Hall this Sunday afternoon. You've no doubt heard the old joke:
How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
Practice, practice, practice!
For me, that answer is only partially true. For me, before surgery and weight loss, this trip would have been, at the very least, miserably uncomfortable. At the most realistic, it would have been impossible. As I boarded the tiny puddle-jumper plane for the first leg of the trip up here, I gave thanks for the fact that I could maneuver my body and haul my luggage without pain, and without assistance. I was able to fit comfortably in the seats on both planes and my seat belts had room to spare. Before, I would have needed a seat belt extender, and even then it would have been a squeeze.
Walking around the city to shop and sightsee has been a little tiring toward the end of the day...but it has not been painful. My hips and ankles don't hurt me anymore. I do need to make sure I have enough energy, which means I need to make sure I eat enough to fuel my body sufficiently. That is an interesting bit of irony. I am having a wonderful time on this, my first ever trip to The Big Apple, and it's a trip that I can't imagine being able to make before. It just would have been too much of an effort and I would have been miserable, if I even had the guts to try to make it in the first place. And that is a very BIG IF.
So as I bring The Incredible Shrinking Diva blog to a close, I do so with profound gratitude for the support I've had and the results I am enjoying. And I am grateful for the friends I've made along the way, which will find their way into my other blog and the stories I tell there. So to Dr. Awesome, Dr. Gut-Check, Dr. Slice-and-Dice and Dr. FancyPants, I say Thank You! I will always remember The Humility Pimple, The Vomit Brigade, The Four Horsemen of the A-Puke-o-Lypse, Mr, Chin Whisker and the rest of the cast of characters that have populated my journey. It has been a crazy ride getting to The New Normal. But it's been a good ride, and I like it here.
Much Love and Many Thanks!